Nissan Juke 2024 Owners Manual Steering Assist limitations

In the following situations, the camera may not detect lane markers correctly or may detect lane markers incorrectly and the Steering Assist may not operate properly:
When driving on roads where there are multiple parallel lane markers, lane markers that are faded or not painted clearly, nonstandard lane markers, or lane markers covered with water, dirt, snow, etc.
When driving on roads with discontinued lane markers
When driving on roads with a widening or narrowing lane width
When driving on roads where there are multiple lanes or unclear lane markers due to road construction
When driving on roads where there are sharply contrasting objects, such as shadows, snow, water, wheel ruts, seams, or lines remaining after road repairs (the Steering Assist could detect these items as lane markers)
When driving on roads where the travelling lane merges or separates
Where the lanes are too narrow or too wide
Do not use the Steering Assist under the following conditions because the system may not properly detect lane markers. Doing so could cause a loss of vehicle control and result in an accident.
During bad weather (rain, fog, snow, dust, etc.)
When rain, snow, sand, etc., is thrown up by the wheels of other vehicles
When dirt, oil, ice, snow, water, or another object adheres to the camera unit
When the lens of the camera unit or the windscreen glass in front of the camera is foggy
When strong light (for example, sunlight or high beams from oncoming vehicles) shines on the camera
When the headlights are not bright due to dirt on the lens or the headlights are off in tunnels or darkness
When a sudden change in brightness occurs (for example, when the vehicle enters or exits a tunnel or is under a bridge)
When driving on roads where the travelling lane merges or separates or where there are temporary lane markers because of road construction
When there is a lane closure due to road repairs
When driving on a bumpy road surface, such as an uneven dirt road
When driving on sharp curves or winding roads
When driving on repeated uphill and downhill roads
Do not use the Steering Assist under the following conditions because the system will not operate properly:
When driving with a tyre that is not within normal tyre conditions (for example, tyre wear, abnormal tyre pressure, installation of a spare tyre, tyre chains, nonstandard wheels)
When the vehicle is equipped with non-original brake or suspension parts
When an object such as a sticker or cargo obstructs the camera
When excessively heavy baggage is loaded in the rear seat or luggage area of your vehicle
When the vehicle load capacity is exceeded
When towing a trailer or other vehicle
Excessive noise will interfere with the warning chime sound, and the beep may not be heard.
For the Steering Assist system to operate properly, the windscreen in front of the camera must be clean. Replace worn wiper blades. The correct size wiper blades must be used to help make sure the windscreen is kept clean. Only use Genuine NISSAN wiper blades, or equivalent wiper blades, that are specifically designed for use on your vehicle model and model year. It is recommended that you visit a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop for the correct parts for your vehicle.
Steering Assist temporary standby
Automatic standby due to driving operation
When the driver activates the turn signal, the Steering Assist is temporarily placed in a standby mode. (The Steering Assist restarts automatically when the operating conditions are met again.)
Automatic standby
In the following cases, a double chime sounds, and the Steering Assist is placed in a temporary standby mode. (The Steering Assist restarts automatically when the operating conditions are met again.)
When the current travelling lane is too narrow to operate.
When a corner is too tight and the vehicle cannot stay in the travelling lane.
When lane markers on both sides are no longer detected.
When strong light enters the camera unit (For example, the light directly shines on the front of the vehicle at sunrise or sunset)
When the temperature of the camera is too high.
Steering Assist cancel
Under the following conditions, the Steering Assist cancels, a warning message is displayed, a double-chime sounds, and the Steering Assist indicators turn off:
When unusual lane markers appear in the travelling lane or when the lane marker cannot be correctly detected for some time due to certain conditions (for example, a snow rut, the reflection of light on a rainy day, the presence of several unclear lane markers).
When the windscreen wiper operates in the high (HI) speed operation (the Steering Assist is disabled when the wiper operates for more than approximately 10 seconds).
Action to take:
When the conditions listed above are no longer present, turn the Steering Assist system on again using the Steering Assist button on the instrument panel.
Steering Assist malfunction
When the system malfunctions, it turns off automatically. The Steering Assist status warning illuminates (yellow) and a warning message is displayed in the vehicle information display. A chime may sound depending on the situation.
Action to take:
Stop the vehicle in a safe location, place the vehicle in neutral and apply the parking brake, turn the engine off, restart the engine, resume driving, ensure that the Steering Assist is switched on using either the Steering Assist button on the instrument panel or the [Settings] menu and set the Intelligent Cruise Control system again. If the warning (yellow) continues to illuminate, the Steering Assist may be malfunctioning. Although the vehicle is still drivable under normal conditions, have the system checked by a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop.
Steering Assist maintenance
The camera sensor is located above the inside mirror.
To keep the proper operation of the system and prevent a system malfunction, be sure to observe the following:
Always keep the windscreen clean.
Do not attach a sticker (including transparent material) or install an accessory near the camera unit.
Do not place reflective materials, such as white paper or a mirror, on the instrument panel. The reflection of sunlight may adversely affect the camera unit's capability of detecting the lane markers.
Do not strike or damage the areas around the camera unit. Do not touch the camera lens or remove the screw located on the camera unit.
If the camera unit is damaged due to an accident, it is recommended that you visit a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop.