Nissan LEAF 2023 Owners Manual After repairing tyre

See a knowledgeable LEAF repairer such as a NISSAN certified electric vehicle dealer for tyre repair/replacement as soon as possible.

  • After using Emergency Tyre Sealant to repair a minor tyre puncture, do not drive the vehicle at speeds higher than 80 km/h (50 MPH).

  • Immediately after using Emergency Tyre Sealant to repair a minor tyre puncture, take your vehicle to a knowledgeable LEAF repairer such as a NISSAN certified electric vehicle dealer to inspect, and repair or replace the tyre. The Emergency Tyre Sealant cannot permanently seal a punctured tyre. Continuing operation of the vehicle without a permanent tyre repair can lead to an accident.

  • If you used Emergency Tyre Sealant to repair a minor tyre puncture, your knowledgeable LEAF repairer such as a NISSAN certified electric vehicle dealer will also need to replace the tyre.

  • NISSAN recommends using only NISSAN Genuine Emergency Tyre Sealant as provided with your vehicle. Other tyre sealants may damage the valve stem seal which can cause the tyre to lose air pressure.

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