Nissan LEAF 2023 Owners Manual Audio adjustments

  1. Press the <SETUP> button to enter the setup menu screen then select [Audio].

  2. Turn the <MENU> dial clockwise or anticlockwise, the display will appear in the following order:

    [Sound] → [AUX in] → [Speed Vol.] → [Bass Boost] → [Audio Default]

[Sound] menu

Submenus in the sound menu:


Use this control to enhance or attenuate bass response sound.

Turn the <MENU> dial clockwise or anticlockwise to adjust the bass settings then press <ENTER> to confirm.


Use this control to enhance or attenuate the treble.

Turn the <MENU> dial clockwise or anticlockwise to adjust the treble settings then press <ENTER> to confirm.


Use this control to adjust the balance of the volume between the left and right speakers.

Turn the <MENU> dial anticlockwise or clockwise to adjust the left/right balance then press <ENTER> to confirm.


Use this control to adjust the balance of the volume between the front and rear speakers.

Turn the <MENU> dial anticlockwise or clockwise to adjust the front/rear balance then press <ENTER> to confirm.

[AUX in] menu

Use this control to adjust the volume output from the auxiliary source.

Turn the <MENU> dial anticlockwise or clockwise to select [Low], [Medium], or [High] mode then press <ENTER> to confirm.

[Speed Vol.] menu

This mode controls the volume output from the speakers automatically in relation to vehicle speed. When [Speed Vol.] is displayed, turn the <MENU> dial clockwise or anticlockwise to adjust the volume level.

Adjusting the setting to 0 (zero) turns off the speed volume feature. Increasing the speed volume setting results in the audio volume increasing more rapidly with vehicle speed. Once chosen, press <ENTER> to save the setting.

[Bass Boost] menu

Switch [Bass boost] [ON] or [OFF]

[Audio Default] menu

The audio unit has a saved preset settings as a factory default. Select [Yes] to change all settings back to the factory preset settings. Select [No] to exit the menu keeping the current settings.

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