Nissan LEAF 2023 Owners Manual

3.6.2. Before driving your vehicle (models with navigation system)


The Li-ion battery charging status and the Li-ion battery warmer operation (where fitted) can be checked using an internet enabled smartphone. Additionally, the heater and air conditioner of the vehicle can be set to operate using the Climate Ctrl. Timer function or A/C-heater remote function, if necessary. See

  • To check the Li-ion battery charging status or to use the remote heater and air conditioner using an internet enabled smartphone, the following conditions must be met:

    • The vehicle must be located in a smartphone coverage area.

    • The internet enabled smartphone must be located in a smartphone coverage area.

    • A smartphone must be used to communicate with the vehicle.

  • When the charge connector is disconnected from the vehicle, the heater and air conditioner operates using vehicle Li-ion battery electric power.

  • If the remote heater and air conditioner function and Li-ion battery charging are performed at the same time, Li-ion battery charging will take longer than usual due to the power used to heat or cool the vehicle.

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