Nissan LEAF 2023 Owners Manual

8.4. Bird’s-eye view


The bird’s-eye view shows the overhead view of the vehicle which helps confirm the vehicle position and the predictive course to a parking space.

The vehicle icon (1) shows the position of the vehicle. Note that the distance between objects viewed in the bird’s-eye view differs from the actual distance.

When the vehicle moves closer to an object, the parking sensor (sonar) indicators appear. The driver can check the approximate direction and angle of the tyres on the display by tyre icon (2) when driving the vehicle forward or backward. Predictive course lines (3) indicate the predictive course when operating the vehicle.

The predictive course lines will be displayed on the monitor when the steering wheel is turned. The predictive course lines will move depending on how much the steering wheel is turned. When the monitor displays the front view and the steering wheel turns about 90 degrees or less from the straight-ahead position, the two green predictive course lines (3) are shown in front of the vehicle. When the steering wheel turns about 90 degrees or more, one green predictive course line (4) is shown in front of the vehicle. When the monitor displays the rear view, the predictive course lines are shown at back of the vehicle.

  • Objects in the bird’s-eye view will appear further than the actual distance because the bird’s-eye view is a pseudo view that is processed by combining the views from the cameras on the outside mirrors, the front and the rear of the vehicle.

  • Tall objects, such as a kerb or vehicle, may be misaligned or not displayed at the seam of the views.

  • Objects that are above the camera cannot be displayed.

  • The view for the bird’s-eye view may be misaligned when the camera position alters.

  • A line on the ground may be misaligned and is not seen as being straight at the seam of the views. The misalignment will increase as the line proceeds away from the vehicle.

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