Nissan LEAF 2023 Owners Manual

6.3.9.image BRAKE system warning light (yellow)

This light functions for both the regenerative brake and the electronically driven intelligent brake systems. When the power switch is placed in the ON position or in the READY to drive position, the light remains illuminated for about 2 or 3 seconds. If the light illuminates at any other time, it may indicate that the regenerative brake and/or the electronically driven intelligent brake systems are not functioning properly. Have the system checked by a knowledgeable LEAF repairer such as a NISSAN certified electric vehicle dealer. If the BRAKE warning light (red) also illuminates, stop the vehicle immediately and contact a knowledgeable LEAF repairer such as a NISSAN certified electric vehicle dealer. For additional information, see

  • Pressing the brake pedal when the power switch is not in the ON or READY to drive position and/or when the brake fluid level is low may increase the stopping distance and braking will require greater pedal effort as well as pedal travel.

  • If the brake fluid level is below the minimum or <MIN> mark on the brake fluid reservoir, do not drive until the brake system has been checked at a knowledgeable LEAF repairer such as a NISSAN certified electric vehicle dealer.

  • The regenerative brake system may not be working properly if the brake system warning light illuminates when the READY to drive indicator light is ON. If you judge it to be safe, drive carefully to the nearest service station for repairs. Otherwise, have your vehicle towed because driving could be dangerous.

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