Nissan LEAF 2023 Owners Manual Cold weather driving

  • Whatever the condition, drive with caution. Accelerate and decelerate with great care. If accelerating or decelerating too fast, the drive wheels will lose even more traction.

  • Allow more stopping distance in cold weather driving. Braking should be started earlier than on dry pavement.

  • Keep at a greater distance from the vehicle in front of you on slippery roads.

  • Wet ice (0°C (32°F) and freezing rain), very cold snow and ice can be slick and very difficult to drive on. The vehicle will have a lot less traction or grip under these conditions. Try to avoid driving on wet ice until the road is salted or sanded.

  • Watch for slippery spots (glaring ice). These may appear on an otherwise clear road in shaded areas. If a patch of ice is seen ahead, brake before reaching it. Try not to brake while actually on the ice, and avoid any sudden steering manoeuvres.

  • Do not use cruise control on slippery roads.


To prevent damage to the Li-ion battery:

  • Do not store the vehicle in temperatures below -25 °C (-13 °F) for over seven days.

  • If the outside temperature is -25 °C (-13 °F) or less, the Li-ion battery may freeze and it cannot be charged or provide power to run the vehicle. Move the vehicle to a warm location.

  • Connect the charger to the vehicle and place the power switch in the OFF position when parking the vehicle where temperatures may go below -17 °C (-1 °F). This provides external power to the Li-ion battery warmer (where fitted) when it operates and does not discharge the Li-ion battery. (for models with 40 kWh battery)

  • Connect the charger to the vehicle and place the power switch in the OFF position when parking the vehicle if temperatures may go below -20 °C (-4 °F). The Li-ion battery warmer automatically uses electrical power from either the external source or from the Li-ion battery, based on the amount of remaining Li-ion battery. (for models with 62 kWh battery)

  • Vehicle driving range is reduced if the Li-ion battery warmer (where fitted) operates (Li-ion battery temperature approximately -17 °C (-1 °F) or colder) while driving the vehicle. You may need to charge the Li-ion battery sooner than under warmer ambient temperatures.

  • The Li-ion battery requires more time to charge when the Li-ion battery warmer (where fitted) operates.

  • The predicted charging time displayed on the meter and navigation system increases when the Li-ion battery warmer (where fitted) operates.

  • The vehicle driving range may be substantially reduced in extremely cold conditions (for example under -17 °C (-1 °F)).

  • Using the climate control system to heat the cabin when the outside temperature is below 0 °C (32 °F) uses more electricity and affects vehicle driving range more than when using the heater when the temperature is above 0 °C (32 °F).

  • Climate control performance is reduced when using the Climate Ctrl. Timer or Remote Climate Control while the Li-ion battery warmer (where fitted) operates. (for models with 40 kWh battery)

  • The Climate Ctrl. Timer or Remote Climate Control (models with navigation System) does not turn on while the Li-ion battery warmer operates. This is not a malfunction. (for models with 62 kWh battery)

  • The Li-ion battery may not charge to the expected level using the charging timer when a [Start Time] and [End Time] are set while the Li-ion battery warmer (where fitted) operates.

  • Set only the charging timer [End Time] when charging in cold weather. The vehicle automatically determines when to start charging, to fully charge the Li-ion battery, whether or not the Li-ion battery warmer (where fitted) operates.

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