Nissan LEAF 2023 Owners Manual Connecting iPod®

Refer to your device manufacturer's owner information regarding the proper use and care of the device.

Connect the iPod cable to the USB connector. The battery of the iPod® will be charged during the connection to the vehicle. The display will show the notification message [iPod <Name> Detected] for a few seconds, while it is reading the data.

If the audio system has been turned off while the iPod® was playing, pressing image will start the iPod® operation. During the connection, the iPod® can only be operated with the audio controls.

* iPod® and iPhone® are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

  • Do not force the iPod cable into the USB port. Inserting the iPod cable tilted or upside- down into the port may damage the iPod cable and the port. Make sure that the iPod cable is connected correctly into the USB port. (Some iPod cables come with a image mark as a guide. Make sure that the mark is facing the correct direction before inserting the iPod cable.)

  • Do not locate objects near the iPod cable to prevent the objects from leaning on the iPod cable and the port. Pressure from the objects may damage the iPod cable and the port.


  • At the time of publication, this audio system was tested with the latest iPod® players/iPhone® available. Due to the frequent update of consumer devices like MP3 players, NISSAN cannot guarantee that all new iPod® players/iPhone® launched will be compatible with this audio system.

  • Some iPod® operations may not be available with this system.

  • NISSAN audio system supports only accessories that Apple has certified and that come with the “Made for iPod/iPhone/iPad” logo.

  • Make sure that the iPod®/iPhone® is updated with the latest firmware.

  • iPod® Shuffle and iPod® mini cannot be used with this system.

  • Full functionality of iPhone USB and Bluetooth Audio may not be available to the user if the same device is connected by USB and Bluetooth simultaneously.

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