Nissan LEAF 2023 Owners Manual For 40 kWh battery models (where fitted)


The Li-ion battery warmer does not operate if the available Li-ion battery charge is less than approximately 15% and the charger is not connected to the vehicle. To help prevent the Li-ion battery from freezing, do not leave the vehicle in an environment where temperatures may go below -17 °C (-1 °F) unless the vehicle is connected to a charger. Please charge the Li-ion battery soon after the available Li-ion battery charge becomes approximately 15% or less.

The Li-ion battery warmer helps to prevent the Li-ion battery from freezing and helps to prevent significant reductions in the Li-ion battery output when the temperature is cold. The Li-ion battery warmer automatically turns on when the Li-ion battery temperature is approximately -17 °C (-1 °F) or colder. The Li-ion battery warmer automatically turns off when the Li-ion battery temperature is approximately -10 °C (14 °F) or higher.

The Li-ion battery warmer uses electrical power from an external source when a charger is connected to the vehicle. The Li-ion battery warmer uses electrical power from the Li-ion battery when the charger is not connected to the vehicle and, in this case, the available Li-ion battery charge reduces.

  • Connect the charger to the vehicle and place the power switch in the OFF position when parking the vehicle where temperatures may go below -17 °C (-1 °F). This provides external power to the Li-ion battery warmer when it operates and does not discharge the Li-ion battery.

  • The charging status indicator lights illuminate in a specific pattern when the Li-ion battery warmer operates. The charging status indicator lights use the same pattern to indicate 12-volt battery charging, Climate Ctrl. Timer operation or Remote Climate Control operation (models with navigation system). The charging status indicator lights do not change if the Li-ion battery warmer operates at the same time as the above features. See

  • The Li-ion battery warmer uses Li-ion battery power to operate, even if the vehicle is connected to a charger when:

    • The vehicle's power switch is in the ON position.

    • There is no electrical power being supplied to the charging equipment.

  • When the Li-ion battery warmer is already in operation using an external power source, it will continue to use the external power even if the power switch is placed in the ON position.

  • Vehicle driving range is reduced if the Li-ion battery warmer operates (Li-ion battery temperature approximately -17 °C (-1 °F) or colder) while driving the vehicle. You may need to charge the Li-ion battery sooner than under warmer ambient temperatures.

  • The Li-ion battery requires more time to charge when the Li-ion battery warmer operates.

  • The predicted charging time displayed on the meter increases when the Li-ion battery warmer operates.

  • The Li-ion battery may not charge to the expected level using the charging timer while the Li-ion battery warmer operates.

  • For models with navigation system: When the Li-ion battery warmer operates while the power switch is in the OFF position and the charger is not connected to the vehicle, an e-mail will be sent to remind you to connect the charger. See the separately provided navigation system owner’s manual.

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