Nissan LEAF 2023 Owners Manual Heated seats (where fitted)


Do not use or allow occupants to use the seat heater if you or the occupants cannot monitor elevated seat temperatures or have an inability to feel pain in those body parts in contact with the seat. Use of the seat heater by such people could result in serious injury.

  • Do not use the seat heater for extended periods or when no one is using the seat.

  • Do not put anything on the seat which insulates heat, such as a blanket, cushion, seat cover, etc. Otherwise, the seat may become overheated.

  • Do not place anything hard or heavy on the seat or pierce it with a pin or similar object. This may result in damage to the heater.

  • Any liquid spilled on the heated seat should be removed immediately with a dry cloth.

  • When cleaning the seat, never use petrol, thinner, or any similar materials.

  • If any abnormalities are found or the heated seat does not operate, turn the switch off and have the system checked by a NISSAN certified electric vehicle dealer.


The front seats and the rear outboard seats (where fitted) can be warmed by built-in heaters. The switches located on the front and rear (where fitted for the rear seats) of the centre console can be operated independently of each other.

  1. Place the power switch in the ON position.

  2. Push the <LO> or <HI> position of the switch, as desired, depending on the temperature. The indicator light in the switch will illuminate.

  3. To turn off the heater, return the switch to the level position. Make sure the indicator light goes off.

The heater is controlled by a thermostat, automatically turning the heater on and off. The indicator light will remain on as long as the switch is on.

When the vehicle’s interior is warmed, be sure to turn the switch off.

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