Nissan LEAF 2023 Owners Manual How to read the displayed lines


Guiding lines which indicate the vehicle width and distances to objects with reference to the bumper line (A) are displayed on the monitor.

Distance guide lines (1) to (4):

Indicate distances from the rear bumper.

  • Red line (1): approx. 0.5 m (1.5 ft)

  • Yellow line (2): approx. 1 m (3 ft)

  • Green line (3): approx. 2 m (7 ft)

  • Green line (4): approx. 3 m (10 ft)

Vehicle width guide lines (5):

Indicates the vehicle width when reversing.

Predictive course lines (6):

The dynamic predictive course lines will be displayed on the monitor when the steering wheel is turned. The course lines will move depending on how much the steering wheel is turned and will not be displayed while the steering wheel is in the straight ahead position.

  • Use the displayed lines as a reference. The lines are highly affected by the number of occupants, vehicle position, road condition and road grade. Always check with your eyes directly around the vehicle while reversing.

  • When reversing the vehicle up a hill, objects viewed in the monitor are further than they appear. When reversing the vehicle down a hill, objects viewed in the monitor are closer than they appear. Use the inside mirror or glance over your shoulder to properly judge distances to other objects.

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