Nissan LEAF 2023 Owners Manual ICC system operation

The ICC system is designed to maintain a selected distance from the vehicle in front of you and can reduce the speed to match a slower vehicle ahead. The system decelerates the vehicle as necessary and if the vehicle ahead comes to a stop, the vehicle decelerates to a standstill. However, the ICC system can only apply up to 40% of the vehicle’s total braking power. This system should only be used when traffic conditions allow vehicle speeds to remain fairly constant or when vehicle speeds change gradually. If a vehicle moves into the travelling lane ahead or if a vehicle travelling ahead rapidly decelerates, the distance between vehicles may become closer because the ICC system cannot decelerate the vehicle quickly enough. If this occurs, the ICC system sounds a warning chime and blinks the system display to notify the driver to take necessary action.

The ICC system cancels and a warning chime sounds if the speed is below approximately 25 km/h (15 MPH) and a vehicle is not detected ahead.

The ICC system operates as follows:

  • When there are no vehicles travelling ahead, the ICC system maintains the speed set by the driver. The set speed range is between approximately 30 and 144 km/h (20 and 90 MPH).

  • When there is a vehicle travelling ahead, the ICC system adjusts the speed to maintain the distance, selected by the driver, from the vehicle ahead. If the vehicle ahead comes to a stop, the vehicle decelerates to a standstill. Once your vehicle stops, the ICC system keeps the vehicle stopped.

  • When your vehicle is at a standstill for more than 3 seconds and the vehicle ahead begins to accelerate, push the RES+ switch or lightly depress the accelerator pedal. The ICC system starts to follow the vehicle ahead.

  • When the vehicle travelling ahead moves to a different travelling lane, the ICC system accelerates and maintains vehicle speed up to the set speed.

The ICC system does not control vehicle speed or warn you when you approach stationary and slow moving vehicles. You must pay attention to vehicle operation to maintain proper distance from vehicles ahead when approaching toll gates or traffic congestion.

When driving on the motorway at a set speed and approaching a slower travelling vehicle ahead, the ICC system adjusts the speed to maintain the distance, selected by the driver, from the vehicle ahead. If the vehicle ahead changes lanes or exits the motorway, the ICC system accelerates and maintains the speed up to the set speed. Pay attention to the driving operation to maintain control of the vehicle as it accelerates to the set speed.

The vehicle may not maintain the set speed on winding or hilly roads. If this occurs, you will have to manually control the vehicle speed.

Normally when controlling the distance to a vehicle ahead, the system automatically accelerates or decelerates your vehicle according to the speed of the vehicle ahead.

Depress the accelerator to properly accelerate your vehicle when acceleration is required for a lane change. Depress the brake pedal when deceleration is required to maintain a safe distance to the vehicle ahead due to sudden braking or if a vehicle cuts in. Always stay alert when using the ICC system.

No vehicle detected ahead

The driver sets the desired vehicle speed based on the road conditions. The ICC system maintains the set vehicle speed, similar to standard cruise control, as long as no vehicle is detected in the lane ahead. The ICC system displays the set speed.

Vehicle detected ahead

When a vehicle is detected in the lane ahead, the ICC system decelerates the vehicle by controlling the throttle and applying the brakes to match the speed of a slower vehicle ahead. The ICC system then controls the vehicle speed based on the speed of the vehicle ahead to maintain the driver selected distance.

  • The stoplights of the vehicle come on when braking is performed by the ICC system.

  • When the brake is applied by the system, a noise may be heard. This is not a malfunction.

When the ICC system detects a vehicle ahead, the vehicle ahead detection indicator and the speed control status indicator (distance control mode) illuminates (solid green image).

Vehicle ahead stops

When the vehicle ahead decelerates to stop, your vehicle decelerates to a standstill. Once your vehicle stops, the ICC system automatically applies the brakes to keep the vehicle stopped. When your vehicle is at a standstill, the [Press to start] message is displayed on the Vehicle Information Display.


When your vehicle stops for less than 3 seconds, your vehicle will automatically follow the vehicle as it accelerates from a stop.

Vehicle ahead accelerates

When your vehicle is stopped and the vehicle ahead begins to accelerate, push the <RES+> switch or lightly depress the accelerator pedal. The ICC system starts to follow the vehicle ahead.

Vehicle ahead not detected

When a vehicle is no longer detected ahead, the ICC system gradually accelerates your vehicle to resume the previously set vehicle speed. The ICC system then maintains the set speed.

When a vehicle is no longer detected, the vehicle ahead detection indicator turns off and speed control status indicator (maintain speed control mode) illuminates (green outline image).

The ICC system gradually accelerates to the set speed, but you can depress the accelerator pedal to quickly accelerate. When a vehicle is no longer detected and your vehicle is travelling under approximately 25 km/h (15 MPH), the ICC system automatically cancels.

When passing another vehicle, the set speed indicator (B) flashes when the vehicle speed exceeds the set speed. The vehicle ahead detection indicator turns off when the area ahead of the vehicle is open. When the pedal is released, the vehicle returns to the previously set speed. Even though your vehicle speed is set in the ICC system, you can depress the accelerator pedal when it is necessary to accelerate your vehicle rapidly.

Approach warning

If your vehicle comes closer to the vehicle ahead due to rapid deceleration of that vehicle or if another vehicle cuts in, the system warns the driver with the chime and ICC system display. Decelerate by depressing the brake pedal to maintain a safe vehicle distance if:

  • The chime sounds.

  • The vehicle ahead detection indicator and set distance indicator blink.

  • You judge it necessary to maintain a safe distance.

The warning chime may not sound in some cases when there is a short distance between vehicles. Some examples are:

  • When the vehicles are travelling at the same speed and the distance between vehicles is not changing.

  • When the vehicle ahead is travelling faster and the distance between vehicles is increasing.

  • When a vehicle cuts in near your vehicle.

The warning chime will not sound when:

  • Your vehicle approaches other vehicles that are parked or moving slowly.

  • The accelerator pedal is depressed, overriding the system.


The approach warning chime may sound and the system display may flash when the radar sensor detects objects on the side of the vehicle or on the side of the road. This may cause the ICC system to decelerate or accelerate the vehicle. The radar sensor may detect these objects when the vehicle is driven on winding, narrow, or hilly roads or when the vehicle is entering or exiting a curve. In these cases, you will have to manually control the proper distance ahead of your vehicle.

Also, the sensor sensitivity can be affected by vehicle operation (steering manoeuvre or driving position in the lane) or traffic or vehicle conditions (for example, if a vehicle is being driven with some damage).

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