Nissan LEAF 2023 Owners Manual

8.7.1. Manual operation

The manual mode can be used to control the heater and air conditioner to your desired settings.


  1. Push the <A/C> button to turn on the cold air flow.

    (The A/C indicator light comes on).

  2. Push the <HEAT> button to turn off the hot air flow.

    (The HEAT indicator light goes off).

  • Do not set the temperature higher than the outside air temperature. Doing so may prevent the temperature from being controlled properly.

  • A visible mist may be seen coming from the vents in hot, humid conditions as the air is cooled rapidly. This does not indicate a malfunction.

Dehumidified heating

  1. Push the <A/C> button.

    (The A/C indicator light comes on).

  2. Push the <HEAT> button.

    (The HEAT indicator light comes on).


Electric power consumption of climate control increases while the A/C and HEAT button indicator lights simultaneously illuminate. As a result, the driving range may be decreased.

Heating (A/C off)

  1. Push the <HEAT> button.

  2. Turn the A/C indicator light off if necessary.

  • Do not set the temperature lower than the outside air temperature. Doing so may prevent the temperature from being controlled properly.

  • If the windows fog up, use dehumidified heating instead of the A/C off heating.

Ventilation mode

To enter the ventilation mode, push <HEAT> button and <A/C> button for the “OFF” position (both indicator lights are off).

This mode provides minimum level of power consumption as only the fans are used to pass air from outside the vehicle through the cabin, without any heating or cooling applied. Use the <MODE> button and fan speed dial to select desired distribution of air inside the vehicle.

Dehumidified defrosting/defogging

Push the front defogger image button. (The indicator light will illuminate)

  • When the front defogger image button is pushed, the air conditioner will automatically turn on to defog the windscreen. The outside air circulation mode will be selected to improve the defogging performance.

  • To remove moisture or fog on the front window quickly, set the temperature and the fan speed to the maximum position.

  • After the windscreen is cleared push the front defogger imagebutton again. (The indicator light will turn off.).

Fan speed control

Push the + or - of fan speed control (image) to control the fan speed manually.

Push the <AUTO> button to change the fan speed to the automatic mode.

Air flow control

Push the <MODE> button to change the air flow mode.


Air flows from the centre and side vents.


Air flows from the centre and side vents and foot outlets.


Air flows mainly from the foot outlets.


Air flows from the defogger outlets and foot outlets.


Air flows mainly from the defogger outlets.

Temperature control

Push a temperature control button to set the desired temperature..

The temperature range can be set between 16 °C (60 °F) and 30 °C (86 °F).

Air recirculation

Push the air recirculation image button to change the air circulation mode. When the indicator light illuminates, the flowing air is recirculated inside the vehicle.

Outside air circulation

Push the air recirculation image button to change the air circulation mode. When the indicator light is off, the flowing air is drawn from outside the vehicle.

Automatic air intake control

To set the automatic control mode, push and hold the image (intake air control) button. The indicator light will blink twice and the inside/outside circulation will then be controlled automatically. When in automatic mode, the indictor light will come on when inside air recirculation is active.

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