Nissan LEAF 2023 Owners Manual

5.6.4. Repair and replacement procedure

  • Once the air bags have been inflated, the air bag modules will not function and must be replaced. The air bag modules must be replaced by a knowledgeable LEAF repairer such as a NISSAN certified electric vehicle dealer. The inflated air bag modules cannot be repaired.

  • The air bag systems should be inspected by a knowledgeable LEAF repairer such as a NISSAN certified electric vehicle dealer if there is any damage to the front end or side portion of the vehicle.

  • If you need to dispose of the SRS or scrap the vehicle, contact a knowledgeable LEAF repairer such as a NISSAN certified electric vehicle dealer. Correct disposal procedures are set forth in the appropriate NISSAN Service Manual. Incorrect disposal procedures could cause personal injury.

The air bags are designed to activate on a one-time-only basis. As a reminder, unless the SRS air bag warning light is damaged, the SRS air bag warning light remains illuminated after inflation has occurred. The repair and replacement of the SRS should be done only by a knowledgeable LEAF repairer such as a NISSAN certified electric vehicle dealer.

When maintenance work is required on the vehicle, information about the air bags and related parts should be pointed out to the person performing the maintenance. The power switch should always be in the LOCK position when working under the bonnet or inside the vehicle.

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