Nissan LEAF 2023 Owners Manual

5.1. Seats

  • Do not ride in a moving vehicle when the seatback is reclined. This can be dangerous. The shoulder belt will not be against your body. In an accident, you could be thrown into it and receive neck or other serious injuries. You could also slide under the lap belt and receive serious internal injuries.

  • For the most effective protection when the vehicle is in motion, the seat should be upright. Always sit well back and upright in the seat with both feet on the floor and adjust the seat properly. See

  • After adjustment, gently rock in the seat to make sure it is securely locked.

  • Do not leave children unattended inside the vehicle. They could unknowingly activate switches or controls or make the vehicle move. To help avoid risk of injury or death through unintended operation of the vehicle and/or its systems, do not leave children, people who require the assistance of others or pets unattended in your vehicle. Additionally, the temperature inside a closed vehicle on a warm day can quickly become high enough to cause a significant risk of injury or death to people and pets.

  • The seatback should not be reclined any more than needed for comfort. Seat belts are most effective when the passenger sits well back and upright in the seat. If the seatback is reclined, the risk of sliding under the lap belt and being injured is increased.

  • When moving the seats forward and rearward or returning a rear-reclined seatback to its upright position, make sure you hold onto the seatback with your hand while operating. If the seatback is not held, the seat will move suddenly and could cause injury.


When adjusting the seat positions, be sure not to contact any moving parts to avoid possible injuries and/or damage.

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