Nissan LEAF 2023 Owners Manual

7.3.6. Tailgate

  • Always make sure that the tailgate has been closed securely to prevent it from opening while driving.

  • Do not drive with the tailgate open.

  • Make sure that all passengers have their hands, etc. inside the vehicle before closing the tailgate.


To open the tailgate, unlock it with one of the following operations, then push the tailgate opener switch (A) and pull up the tailgate to open it.

  • Push the UNLOCK image button on the Intelligent Key once (or twice *).

  • Push the door handle request switch once (or twice *).

  • Insert the mechanical key into the driver’s door key cylinder and turn it towards the rear of the vehicle once (or twice*).

  • Push the power door lock switch on the driver's door to the unlock position.

  • Push the tailgate request switch (B) (Make sure to carry the Intelligent Key with you).

  • Push the tailgate opener switch.

*: when the door lock mode is set in the selective door unlock mode.

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