Nissan Qashqai 2023 Owners Manual
7.27.3. ICC and Steering Assist system Display and Indicators (manual transmission vehicles)

Vehicle ahead detection indicator
When the ICC is ON and active this indicates whether the system detects a vehicle in front of you.
Steering Assist status indicator
Displays the status of the Steering Assist by the colour of the indicator
Grey: Steering Assist standby.
Green: Steering Assist active.
Set distance indicator
Displays the selected distance.
Lane marker indicator
Indicates whether the system detects lane markers
No lane markers displayed: Steering Assist is turned off
Lane marker indicator (grey): No lane markers detected
Lane marker indicator (green): Lane markers detected
Lane marker indicator (yellow): Lane departure is detected
Drive Assist indicator
Displays the status of Intelligent Blind Spot Intervention, Intelligent Lane Intervention and ICC systems.
No indicator displayed: all systems are off.
White: systems are on (only if they are turned on in the [Settings] menu), ICC and Steering Assist is in standby mode.
Blue: ICC and Steering Assist is active
Steering Assist status indicator/warning
Displays the status of the Steering Assist by the colour of the indicator/warning
No Steering Assist status indicator displayed: Steering Assist is turned off.
Grey: Steering Assist standby.
Green: Steering Assist active.
Yellow: Steering Assist malfunction.
Red: Hands off detected.
Lane marker indicator/speed control status indicator/set distance indicator
Displays the status of speed control by the colour and shape of the indicator/warning
Speed control status indicator (white): ICC standby
Speed control status indicator (green): ICC (distance control mode) is active
Green vehicle icon displayed: Vehicle detected ahead
No vehicle icon shown: No vehicle detected ahead (Your vehicle maintains the driver-selected set speed.)
Speed control status indicator (orange): Indicates an ICC malfunction
Lane marker indicator: Indicates whether the system detects lane markers
No lane markers displayed: Steering Assist is turned off
Lane marker indicator (grey): No lane markers detected
Lane marker indicator (green): Lane markers detected
Set vehicle speed indicator
Indicates the set vehicle speed.
Grey: ICC standby.
Green numbers: ICC active.
Road information indicator (where fitted)
Detected road sign (speed limit) indicator (where fitted)
Speed limit link indicator (where fitted)
Green line: Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC) (where fitted): gap between current speed and ICC target speed.
Target speed:
White triangle: Cruise Control or Speed Limiter target speed (where fitted).
Green triangle: Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC) target speed (where fitted).
Red line: Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR) speed limit marker (where fitted)

Some of the items listed above are only available in Classic View. See
for additional information.