Nissan Juke 2024 Owners Manual Battery save function
The battery save feature prevents your vehicle from discharging the battery after you have left the external lights, map lamps or room lamps on when exiting the vehicle. This occurs when the ignition is placed in the OFF or LOCK position after the engine has been running.

The next time the engine is started the external lights, map lamps or room lamp will come on again.
Battery save function for external lights
If the ignition is placed in the OFF position after driving but the external lights are accidentally left on, the external lights will automatically be switched off as soon as the driver's door is opened.
It is possible to leave the external lights on permanently by switching them back on using the headlight switch while the ignition is still in the LOCK or OFF position. In this case, the light reminder chime will sound when the driver's door is opened.
Battery save function for interior light
The interior light will automatically be switched off after a period of time if it has been accidentally left on.