Nissan LEAF 2023 Owners Manual Immediate charge

When the charging timer is not turned on, charging automatically starts when a normal charge connector is connected to the vehicle.

Use the immediate charge mode any time you want to start charging immediately while a charging timer is turned on by performing the following:

  1. Place the power switch in the OFF position.

  2. Press the immediate charge button.

  3. Connect the normal charge cable when the charging status indicator light changes to display immediate charge mode.

  • You have 15 minutes to connect a normal charge connector to the vehicle after the immediate charge button is pressed. If a charge connector is not connected to the vehicle within 15 minutes, the vehicle automatically returns to the previous setting.

  • To cancel the immediate charge mode press the immediate charge button again before connecting the charge cable.

  • If the charge cable is disconnected, the Li-ion battery automatically switches to charging timer. To perform an immediate charge again, press the immediate charge button and connect the charge cable.

  • If the charge cable is already connected, press the immediate charge button to start performing an immediate charge.

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