Nissan LEAF 2023 Owners Manual

9.5.1. Manual Parking Brake (where fitted)

The parking brake can be applied or released by operating the parking brake pedal.

  • Be sure the parking brake is released before driving. Failure to do so could cause brake failure and lead to an accident.

  • Do not release the parking brake from outside the vehicle.

  • To help avoid risk of injury or death through unintended operation of the vehicle and/or its systems, do not leave children, people who require the assistance of others or pets unattended in your vehicle. Additionally, the temperature inside a closed vehicle on a warm day can quickly become high enough to cause a significant risk of injury or death to people and pets.

  • When leaving the vehicle, apply the parking brake and push the P (Park) position switch on the shift lever.

  • Do not release the footbrake pedal until the parking brake is fully applied. Failure to do so may cause the vehicle to move suddenly, which could result in an accident.


To apply: Firmly depress the parking brake pedal (1).

To release:

  1. Firmly apply the footbrake pedal (2).

  2. Firmly depress and then release the parking brake pedal (1) to release the parking brake.

  3. Before driving, make sure that the parking brake warning light (image) in the meter has turned off.

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