Nissan LEAF 2023 Owners Manual Timer display


The timer display appears for approximately 30 seconds when the power switch is placed in the OFF position.

  1. Charging time

    The estimated time of charging the Li-ion battery (start time and end time) is displayed.

    • When the charging timer is set, the charging system calculates the estimated time to charge the Li-ion battery based on the electrical power supplied in the last charging using the timer, and the start time and end time are displayed.

    • When the charging timer is set to OFF, the estimated end time to charge the Li-ion battery to a full level in the case of performing the immediate charge. The end time is calculated based on the electrical power selected in the [Charge Time Screen] menu.

    • When the Li-ion battery was fully charged, the charging time will be displayed as [--:--].

  2. Charging timer setting status

    When the charging timer is set, the start time and end time of the charging using the timer are displayed.

  3. Climate Ctrl. timer setting status

    When the Climate Ctrl. timer is set, the departure time (end time) set for the Climate Ctrl. Timer is displayed.

When the <OK> button on the steering wheel is pushed, the display will be switched to the [EV Settings] menu. In the EV Settings, the setting of the charging timer and Climate Ctrl. timer can be changed. (See

earlier in this section for the settings menu of the Vehicle Information Display.)

When the image or image button on the steering wheel is pushed while the timer display is shown, the display is switched to the ECO Drive Report (if the vehicle was driven).

Either display will continue to be displayed for another 30 seconds when the button is operated. If the doors are locked after the power switch was placed in the OFF position, the display will turn off before the preset time.

For models fitted with a navigation system, the day of the week is displayed with the time (hour and minute) in the display.

In addition to the above, note the following conditions for the charging time information:

  • The charging time is displayed by the 10 minutes. If the estimated charging time is longer than 24 hours, [Over 24hr] is displayed

  • When the charging is set to start immediately after connecting the charge connector to the vehicle, the start time is displayed as [Charge Now].

  • While being charged, the time when the charging has actually started is displayed as the start time. The end time is displayed according to the estimated charging time that was calculated based on the electrical power being supplied.

  • For models with Li-ion battery warmer, the charging system calculates the electrical power used by the battery warmer when the Li-ion battery temperature is low, and longer charging time will be displayed.

  • When [Chg. Timer Only at HOME] is set to ON (models with navigation system) in the EV Settings, the start time is displayed only when the power switch is placed in the OFF position at home. If the power switch is placed in the OFF position other than at home, the immediate charge mode is selected and [Charge Now] will appear as the start time.

  • When [Full charge has priority] is set to ON in the EV Settings and the Li-ion battery cannot be charged to a full level within the hours between the scheduled start time and end time of the charging timer, the charging time shows the time that exceeds the scheduled hours in the charging timer.

  • If you need to confirm the estimated charging time depending on the available electrical power (supplied to the charger), see the Estimated Charge Time display. (See

  • The displayed end time of charging is estimation. The Li-ion battery may not be charged to a full level by the estimated end time.

  • If the charging timer and the Climate Ctrl. timer are set to operate at the same time, longer charging time will be displayed or the Li-ion battery may not be charged to a full level at the scheduled end time.

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